My journey with Hudson Link began when I met Sean Pica at Taconic Correctional Facility. Sean was the first of many Hudson Link staff members who came in to work with us. Everyone was so genuine and helpful, it was immediately clear to all the students that Hudson Link was so much more than a college program. Their efforts brought to mind the courageous women who fought to reinstate college in Bedford Hills Correctional Facility after federal and state governments rescinded financial aid. It was clear that Hudson Link is built on the belief that every person, incarcerated or not, is valuable, and that education has the power to change lives.
During my 26 years inside, I was fortunate enough to obtain my Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Marymount Manhattan College thanks to the women at Bedford. Engaging in college courses while in prison thoroughly transformed me. As my classes progressed, I matured, grew confident, and felt my self-esteem flourish. I then went on to and work for the college program for many years while incarcerated.
What I love about Hudson Link is that I see that same belief that every person is valuable in every eye of the entire staff. Since becoming a Hudson Link clerk at Taconic, I have known that we support our students universally, while they are incarcerated and once they are released, with sincere intentions and positive encouragement. Hudson Link truly is a team – a family that works together with a common belief and goal.
In September, I was so excited to begin my role as Hudson Link’s new Executive Assistant at such a crucial time in this organization’s growth. We have accomplished unprecedented things in service of our students throughout the pandemic, and I am thrilled to be a part of an organization that has given me so much. I see my role at Hudson Link as an extension of the work I began so long ago in Bedford Hills under the tutelage of those courageous women. It is something that I cherish and want to see flourish and grow for the sake of the people still inside who deserve the same chance to achieve their college dreams as I did.
I know firsthand that 26 years is a long time. But these educational opportunities mean a second chance no matter how long you’ve been away. I encourage you to continue believing in and giving to the work that Hudson Link does for our students. As I’ve experienced, once a person feels empowered, they begin to believe in themselves. Then anything is possible. With your generous support, our students will continue to thrive, and Hudson Link will make 2022 our best year ever!
Deborah, I really enjoyed your message. I hope that Hudson Link will expand to other women’s prisons in New York State such as Albion and Bedford Hills. I hope that more women in prison will take advantage of the educational opportunities that Hudson Link has to offer. Deborah, I wish you and everyone at Hudson Link Continued success in 2022 and beyond. Thank you for everything that you have done, and will continue to do.
Hi William,
Thank you so much for your kind words about Hudson Link and for Deb! We appreciate your unwavering support of the organization and thank you for all you’ve done for our students and alumni.