Ann Jacobs

Ann Jacobs has worked for over 50 years to advance social and racial justice through the reform of the criminal legal system and the creation of pathways to opportunity for people who have been impacted by it.
In December 2022, Ann retired from the City University of New York where, for 12 years, she served as the Executive Director of the John Jay College Institute for Justice and Opportunity which builds bridges between corrections and higher education. She is excited to continue this journey by joining the board of Hudson Link.
For 17+ years, Ann led the Women’s Prison Association, the oldest and largest non-profit in the US focused exclusively on justice-involved women and their families. Ann held high level positions in the New York City Mayor’s Office; worked in Washington, DC at the Pretrial Services Resource Center, National Institute for Dispute Resolution, and DC Dept of Corrections; and at juvenile and adult programs run by formerly incarcerated people in Baltimore, MD.
Ann is currently enjoying her part-time position as grant writer and strategic advisor to All Kings, a peer-led organization that supports healing from trauma and the emotional well-being of justice-impacted men and young men at risk of being impacted. She is a lover of bebop jazz, dogs, jigsaw puzzles and nature.