“Hudson Link gave me the ability to express my change as professionally and pragmatically as possible. Hudson Link also helped me express myself artistically.”

Master of Professional Studies: New York Theological Seminary
Germaine was born in the Bronx and moved around alot because of his father’s career in the military. For most of his youth, Germaine lived on military bases in Kansas and Georgia and for a short time, he lived with family in Florida. By age 10, Germaine moved back to New York only to experience difficulties that would eventually break his family apart.
Germaine’s parents separated; his father was rarely present and his mother’s new boyfriend, who proved to be psychologically and emotionally abusive, moved in. “Everything became so unsettled and dysfunctional so fast, the only reactions I could muster were confusion, anger, and fear. So I took those feelings and tried to use them as a form of power which was the perfect formula for trouble.”
Germaine’s fear and anger led him down the wrong path and landed him in prison. It did not take much time in prison for Germaine to realize that his actions were not only hurting himself, but also hurting the people he loved most, his family. He also realized that he needed to change if he wanted to make his family proud. He started by going back to school for his GED, especially when he say how obtaining his GED positively affected himself and his family. This was his first major academic achievement and it set in motion a series of continued achievements.
While incarcerated at Sing Sing Correctional Facility, Germaine discovered the New York Theological Seminary where he enrolled and obtained a Certificate in Ministry. Through taking art classes, he also developed his skill as an artist. And to help him understand and overcome his feelings of anger, he took a number of therapeutic courses including “Alternative to Violence” and “Domestic Violence.”
In 2004, Germaine’s drive to continue to learn and grow led him to the office door of Hudson Link for Higher Education where he was given the opportunity to enroll in Mercy College and earn a bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Science. It was his involvement with Hudson Link that helped him to become a better speaker, a better writer, a critical thinker, and a better person. Hudson Link was redesigning their website, and Germaine was the perfect candidate to create the current logo.
“It was through Hudson Link that I not only learned a wealth of knowledge about human behavior, but a wealth of insight into my own behavior and feelings as well. It was a journey of self-discovery.”
In 2010 Germaine was released from prison 6 months early, as a result of his academic achievements and display of growth, understanding, and remorse.
“Hudson Link gave me the ability to express my change as professionally and pragmatically as possible. Hudson Link also helped me express myself artistically.”
Today, Germaine is a graphic and video editor for Love & Fashion Entertainment and a freelance graphic designer for a host of community organizations.